

Naval Science I – The first year of NJROTC consists of the students learning oceanography, naval ships, aircraft, history, Naval Science, customs, and courtesies. Students participate in physical training and military drill. Emphasis is on self-discipline, responsible citizenship and leadership development. Field trips are planned to relate to classroom learning.

Naval Science II – The second year of NJROTC consists of the students learning citizenship, meteorology, navigation, Naval History, cold weather safety survival, military life, shipboard indoctrination, and seamanship. Leadership training will be continued. Field trips are planned to relate to classroom learning.

Naval Science III – The third year of NJROTC consists of the students learning sea power, military justice, astronomy, geo-politics, career planning, naval history (WWII) and political science. Advanced leadership and management methods and practical applications continued. Field trips are planned to relate to classroom learning.

Naval Science IV – The fourth year of NJROTC consists of the students learning orienteering, military history (Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Islam, Afghanistan), and organizational skills. Advanced leadership and management theories discussed and practised. College/career application procedures are pursued. Field trips are planned to relate to classroom learning.