Friday, November 15, 2024 is picture retake day. Any staff or student that did not have their picture taken already should plan on having their picture taken that day.
There is no charge for students and staff to have a retake photo taken. If you have ordered pictures but there were issues with the picture when they came in you can have the picture taken at no additional cost. Students must bring in their original picture package so the picture people can recreate their order with the new picture.
For those being photographed for the first time, simply have the student go to the camera, and they will create a proof that will be sent to the school. These proofs will be delivered approximately 4 weeks after picture day and will include an order code and instructions for ordering.
If there are any specific notes or information that could help ensure a successful retake, please have the child bring a note with them to the camera.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your student’s Advisory teacher.