Manchester Black Affinity Group

The NH GEAR UP Alliance, Saint Anselm's College and the Manchester School District are coordinating a "Manchester Black Affinity Group" kick-off event called The Kickback. This initial event will be an opportunity for Black-identifying high school students and Manchester community members to connect in a safe space, learn about one another and become inspired. The Kickback: Manchester’s Black Affinity Group Event will create an environment that cultivates relationships amongst community members and students, foster mentorship, and support students as they consider leadership roles within their schools. This event will take place Friday, February 24th at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics from 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM. Transportation provided!

Please start to share this event and its information with students when and where appropriate. This is a great opportunity to create spaces of grace and belonging for Black identifying students.

For your information:

What is an affinity group?

An affinity group is defined in Merriam-Webster as “a group of people having a common interest or goal or acting together for a specific purpose.” Affinity groups are used to create exclusive and secure spaces for people who may not feel safe in the broader community because they are in the numerical minority.

Why are we having affinity groups?

Manchester School District is one of the most diverse school districts in NH. However, there is a lack of support for BIPOC students, specifically Black students. We want to create Black affinity spaces that combat this lack of support for Black students. Participates will be able to share stories that enable them to recognize that they are not alone –they are facing similar situations. In sharing their experiences, participating students and community members will gain insight and confidence by learning from one another.

What about other minoritized students?

Intentionally carving out time and space for individuals to feel visible and heard. Affinity groups facilitate safe spaces to build resilience, help members prepare to engage deeply with other groups, and empower each other to take action. This is a a pilot event. More to come!